ptomaine poisoning


ptomaine poisoning 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. food poisoning thought to be caused by ptomaine.

ptomaine poisoning 近义词

ptomaine poisoning

等同于 food poisoning

ptomaine poisoning 的近义词 2

更多ptomaine poisoning例句

  1. Few reports of his mental illness discuss lead poisoning as a possible reason for his mental deterioration.
  2. She had low-grade blood poisoning in her ear from the pin she used to pierce it.
  3. If you plan to take in vapor in such amounts, you have to get juice with a low nicotine content to avoid poisoning yourself.
  4. Indeed, under most circumstances it would be ineffective to try poisoning someone with it.
  5. Lacey Spears is accused of killing her son by poisoning him with salt.
  6. Tests are of value in recognizing poisoning from ingestion and in detecting absorption from carbolized dressings.
  7. So I found her waiting me alone, in that chamber off the hall where her father and I spoke of the poisoning.
  8. Lead poisoning, for instance, may very well occur in others than those engaged directly in the manufacture or handling of lead.
  9. A doctor was called, an emetic was given and he purged, and after a time he recovered from the symptoms of poisoning.
  10. To such a mind, ridicule is a venomed dart, piercing and poisoning, and pride but inflames the wound.